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The 1st Pull

Published: 2021-01-30
The 1st Pull
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In weightlifting, it takes less than one second to catch the bar overhead (snatch) or rack the bar on the shoulders (clean) when properly performed. This quickness, or power, is what makes these lifts, or similar variations, popular strength training even for non-weightlifters.

Many novices are surprised to learn that with proper pulling technique the barbell does not move upward in a perfectly straight line. Learning the proper pulling motion involves a series of stages. After some months of establishing basic technique the lifter increases the speed with which he/she executes the lift. With proper technique, the lifter increases the chance of a successful lift with maximum weight.

The Set-Up and 1st Pull

After taking up an efficient starting position, the lifter must overcome the barbell’s inertia by performing what’s called the “first pull.” The lifter uses mostly the strong muscles of the lower body to start the lift. Maintaining a neutral spine and raising the hips and the shoulders at about the same pace, the lifter moves the center of pressure on the feet slightly rearward, causing the barbell to move inward toward the shins a bit.

When viewed from the side, this curved barbell trajectory occurs as the knees nearly straighten (but do not fully extend). The lifter’s shoulders have moved forward of the initial starting position in order to maintain a balanced posture with the barbell at the height of the knees. This is the end of the 1st Pull.

For more details please access the following links:

Video clip:  Learn to Snatch   1:27 – 2:02


Related Blog link:   https://sportsedtv.com/blog/get-it-right-from-the-start