Just visit SportsEdTV and do any of the following things to earn points. Every activity has a base point value:

  • watch, rate or make a comment on a video: 1
    (points only awarded for first comment)
  • explore a DISCOVER coach, facility or product: 1
  • share a video with a friend: 2
  • read a blog: 1
  • post a blog link to a group: 1
  • accept a friend invitation: 2
  • join a group: 2
  • comment in a group or post some content: 1
  • upgrade your membership
    yearly: 2
    lifetime: 10
  • and more…

    - Free members earn the base value for all activities.
    - Yearly members earn 5x the base points.
    - Lifetime members earn 10x the base points.

    The more you visit and engage, the more points you earn. Then comes the FUN part. WIN some cash or prizes!

    At various times throughout the year, SportsEdTV will run point competitions for CASH rewards. During these defined time periods (which will be announced by email and posted on SportsEdTV in your personal feed page and on the home page) the member who has earned the most points will win US$ CASH! You can track your progress on our PROPOINTS leaderboard.

    We’ll run other periodic challenges as well, like ‘Most Shared Videos’, or ‘Most Videos Watched in a Month’, and other fun member-only contests. Prizes could include cash and athletic equipment from our brand partners.

    Let the PROPOINTS games begin!

    1) We reserve the right to change any aspect of the PROPOINTS program at any time.
    2) Members may only win prizes once every six months.
    3) We will remove all PROPOINTS from any account that we deem, in our sole judgement, has used unfair methods to accrue points (robots, computer-programmed actions, robo-clickers, etc.). Repeat offenders will be prohibited from collecting points or could lose membership access.
    4) PROPOINTS was created to reward our members' loyalty and frequent visits. We will not tolerate any actions that appear to attempt to game the system through any means other than normal website use and content consumption and sharing, which will be solely assessed and judged by SportsEdTV.

    By accepting and activating your membership, you agree to abide by the PROPOINTS terms outlined above.