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15-Minute Arm Workout

Published: 2021-09-14
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EXERCISE CATEGORY: Upper Body/Single-Joint 

MUSCLES UTILIZED: Biceps Brachii, Brachialis 

UPWARD MOVEMENT – Select two dumbbells of equal weight with a closed grip.  


Allow the dumbbells to hang at the side with the elbows fully extended and the hands supinated (palms facing forward). Initiate the exercise by raising the dumbbells upward with control in an arc by flexing the arms at the elbow. Keep the elbows tight to the anterior portion of the torso touching the lower rib cage as the dumbbells are raised.  

The movement should occur at the elbow, not at the shoulders. Avoid swinging the dumbbell, arching the lower back, rising up on the toes or shrugging the shoulders to lift the dumbbell. Continue flexing the elbow until the dumbbell reaches a point above chest level approximately 2 - 3 inches from the body. Avoid moving the elbow forward at the completion of the upward motion.  

DOWNWARD MOVEMENT – Lower the dumbbells with control until the elbows are fully extended. Avoid forcefully extending the elbows during the downward motion. Keep the elbows tight to the front portion of the torso touching the lower rib cage as the dumbbells are lowered.  


EXERCISE CATEGORY: Upper Body/Single-Joint 

MUSCLES UTILIZED: Triceps Brachii 

UPWARD MOVEMENT – Select a dumbbell of the appropriate weight. Lift the dumbbell with both hands to a position behind the head. Align the hands such that each hand is on either side of the dumbbell and flat against the underside of the dumbbell. The index finger and thumb of each hand should be touching each other. The upper arms should be rotated so the elbows are close to the head. Lift the dumbbell upward with control by extending the elbows while keeping the elbows close to the head. The upper arms should remain parallel to each other and perpendicular to the floor. Keep the head, shoulders, upper and lower back erect and still. Continue pressing the dumbbell upward until the elbows are fully extended with the dumbbell directly above the head.  

DOWNWARD MOVEMENT – Lower the dumbbell with control towards the back of the head. The elbows should remain close to the head as they begin to flex. The upper arms should remain parallel to each other and perpendicular to the floor.  


EXERCISE CATEGORY: Upper Body/Single-Joint 

MUSCLES UTILIZED: Biceps Brachii, Brachialis 

UPWARD MOVEMENT – Select two dumbbells of equal weight with a closed grip.  

Allow the dumbbells to hang at the side with the elbows fully extended and the hands neutral (palms facing in). Initiate the exercise by raising one dumbbell upward with control in an arc by flexing the arm at the elbow and rotating the forearm to a supinated position. Keep the elbows tight to the anterior portion of the torso touching the lower rib cage as the dumbbell is raised. The movement should occur at the elbow, not at the shoulders. Keep the feet flat on the floor torso erect, shoulders back and eyes looking straight ahead. Avoid swinging the dumbbell, arching the lower back, rising up on the toes or shrugging the shoulders to lift the dumbbell. Continue flexing the elbow until the dumbbell reaches a point above chest level approximately 2 - 3 inches from the body.  

Avoid moving the elbow forward at the completion of the upward motion. Keep the opposite arm still at the side of the body. 

DOWNWARD MOVEMENT – Lower the dumbbell with control until the elbow is fully extended returning the hand to a neutral position. Avoid forcefully extending the elbow during the downward motion. Keep the elbow tight to the front portion of the torso touching the lower rib cage as the dumbbell is lowered. Keep the opposite arm still at the side of the body until the repetition is completed and then repeat the upward and downward movements with the opposite arm. 


EXERCISE CATEGORY: Upper Body/Single-Joint 

MUSCLES UTILIZED: Triceps Brachii 

DOWNWARD MOVEMENT – Select two dumbbells of equal weight with a closed grip. Place the dumbbells on the floor. Lie in a supine position on the floor. Lift the dumbbells with the arms straight above the shoulders to a position where the arms are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the floor; this requires the dumbbells to be held parallel to each other with the elbows extended over the shoulders. Lower the dumbbells with control towards the top of the forehead. The elbows should point toward the feet as they begin to flex. The upper arms should remain parallel to each other and perpendicular to the floor. Avoid arching the back during the downward motion. The dumbbells should nearly touch the forehead at its lowest position. Caution should be taken to control the speed of the descent so that the dumbbells do not strike the head.  

UPWARD MOVEMENT –Lift the dumbbells upward with control by extending the elbows while keeping the elbow and upper arms stationary. Keep the head, shoulders/upper back area and buttocks firmly on the floor with both feet securely placed on the floor with the knees bent. The upper arms should be rotated so the elbows point towards the feet. Continue pressing the dumbbells upward until the elbows are fully extended with the dumbbells directly above the eyes.  


EXERCISE CATEGORY: Upper Body/Single-Joint 

MUSCLES UTILIZED: Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Biceps Brachii, Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus, Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis, Extensor Digitorum, Extensor Digiti Minimi, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris    

UPWARD MOVEMENT – Select two dumbbells of equal weight with a closed grip. Grasp the dumbbells with a pronated grip (palms down) shoulder-width apart. Hold the dumbbells against the front of the thighs with the elbows fully extended. Position the feet flat on the floor shoulder-width apart; knees flexed slightly, torso erect, shoulders back and eyes looking straight ahead. Flex the arms at the elbows raising the dumbbells together in an arc pattern with control. Keep the elbows tight to the front portion of the torso touching the lower rib cage as the dumbbells are raised. The movement should occur at the elbows, not at the shoulders. Avoid swinging the dumbbells, arching the lower back, rising on the toes or shrugging the shoulders to lift the resistance. Continue flexing the elbows until the dumbbells reach a point above chest level approximately 2 - 3 inches from the body. Avoid moving the elbows forward at the completion of the upward motion. 

DOWNWARD MOVEMENT – Lower the dumbbells with control until the elbows are fully extended. Avoid forcefully extending the elbows during the downward motion. Keep the elbows tight to the front portion of the torso touching the lower rib cage as the dumbbells are lowered.   


EXERCISE CATEGORY: Upper Body/Single-Joint 

MUSCLES UTILIZED: Triceps Brachii 

DOWNWARD MOVEMENT – Select a dumbbell of appropriate weight with a closed grip. Lift the dumbbell above the head with one hand extending the elbow. Keeping the elbow and upper arm stationary flex the elbow and lower the dumbbell with control behind the head to the back of the neck. The elbow should point outward as the elbow is flexed. Keep the head, shoulder/upper back area erect and still. Avoid arching the back during the downward motion. The dumbbell should touch the back of the neck at its lowest position. Caution should be taken to control the speed of the descent so that the dumbbell does not strike the back of the neck.  

UPWARD MOVEMENT – Lift the dumbbell upward with control by extending the elbow while keeping the elbow and upper arm stationary. Keep the head, shoulder/upper back area erect and still. Continue pressing the dumbbell upward until the elbow is fully extended with the dumbbell directly above the head.


EXERCISE CATEGORY: Upper Body/Single-Joint 

MUSCLES UTILIZED: Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Biceps Brachii, Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus, Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis, Extensor Digitorum, Extensor Digiti Minimi, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris    

UPWARD MOVEMENT – Select two dumbbells of equal weight with a closed grip. Grasp the dumbbells with a pronated grip (palms down) shoulder-width apart. Hold the dumbbells against the front of the thighs with the elbows fully extended. Position the feet flat on the floor shoulder-width apart; knees flexed slightly, torso erect, shoulders back and eyes looking straight ahead. Flex the arms at the elbows raising the dumbbells together in an arc pattern with control. Keep the elbows tight to the front portion of the torso touching the lower rib cage as the dumbbells are raised. The movement should occur at the elbows, not at the shoulders. Avoid swinging the dumbbells, arching the lower back, rising on the toes or shrugging the shoulders to lift the resistance. Continue flexing the elbows until the dumbbells reach a point above chest level approximately 2 - 3 inches from the body. Avoid moving the elbows forward at the completion of the upward motion. 

DOWNWARD MOVEMENT – Lower the dumbbells with control until the elbows are fully extended. Avoid forcefully extending the elbows during the downward motion. Keep the elbows tight to the front portion of the torso touching the lower rib cage as the dumbbells are lowered.   


EXERCISE CATEGORY: Upper Body/Single-Joint 

MUSCLES UTILIZED: Triceps Brachii 

UPWARD MOVEMENT – Stand with the legs shoulder-width apart and knees slightly flexed, bending forward at the waist. Keep your back straight. Press both upper arms against the side with the palm facing in. Bend your elbow to approximately 60°. Keeping the elbows and upper arms stationary, straighten the elbows and lift the dumbbells. Keep the head, shoulders/upper back area erect and still. Avoid arching the back. The upward movement should continue until the elbows are straight but, not locked. Caution should be taken to control the speed of the upward movement to avoid undue stress on the elbow.  

DOWNWARD MOVEMENT – Lower the dumbbells with control by flexing the elbows while keeping the elbows and upper arms stationary. Keep the head, shoulders/upper back area erect and still. Continue with the downward movement until the elbows return back to their initial starting position with a 60° bend.