Strength And Conditioning
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Lat Pulldown & Seated Row

John Graham, Senior Network Administrator in Network Development at St Luke’s University Health Network demonstrates two excellent exercises utilizing cable strength training equipment. Utilizing Cable Strength Training Equipment can increase strength, power and endurance in important movement patterns and muscle groups utilized by athletes in their respective sport.
Utilization of Exercise Combos can train multiple muscle groups of the body in combinations that provide for increased workout intensity and volume to increase muscle strength, power, hypertrophy, and endurance development for athletes.
The Lat Pulldown & Seated Row develop the muscles of the upper back, rear shoulders, and frontal arm muscles.
Lat Pulldown – Sit facing the Cable Machine with the thighs positioned under the pads. Grip the bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width. While leaning back slightly, pull the bar down to the top of the chest while simultaneously pulling the elbows back. Return the bar back to the starting position while maintaining a slight backward lean.
Seated Row – Sit facing the Cable Machine. Grab the handle with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Push with the feet against the foot pad while pulling the handle back simultaneously. Position the body such that the back is erect, and shoulders are above the hips and the legs have only a slight bend. Pull the handle back to the top of the abdomen by bending at the elbows and squeezing the shoulder blades together. Return to the starting position.
Lat Pulldown – Beginners (0 – 3 Months Exercise Experience) should perform 8 – 12 Reps for 1 – 2 Sets; Intermediate (3 – 6 Months Exercise Experience) 8 – 12 Reps for 2 – 3 Sets; and Advanced (6 Months or Longer Exercise Experience) should perform 8 – 15 Reps for 3 – 4 Sets. When performing multiple sets rest for a period 2 times greater than the exercise period.
Seated Row – Beginners (0 – 3 Months Exercise Experience) should perform 8 – 12 Reps for 1 – 2 Sets; Intermediate (3 – 6 Months Exercise Experience) 8 – 12 Reps for 2 – 3 Sets; and Advanced (6 Months or Longer Exercise Experience) should perform 8 – 15 Reps for 3 – 4 Sets. When performing multiple sets rest for a period 2 times greater than the exercise period.