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Height-to-Bodyweight Ratios and Class Rankings for Elite Weightlifters

Published: 2024-07-16
Height-to-Bodyweight Ratios and Class Rankings for Elite Weightlifters
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I’d like to begin discussing some of the principles of proper programming in the next few blog posts. To do so effectively, I need to introduce some guidelines that will help the reader more fully comprehend the process of effective programming.


Height to Bodyweight Ratios

These figures are empirically derived from measurements of elite-level weightlifters. Readers need to realize that most of the levers that move the body during the performance of snatches and cleans & jerks are third-class levers. This means that the longer the lever, the greater the force needed to move that lever with the same weight, providing resistance for a shorter lever. Furthermore, realizing that most lifters add muscular bodyweight as they proceed through their careers is helpful.


Female Lifters



A female lifter might progress well while weighing considerably less than her height indicates, but if she is to eventually reach her full potential, she will have to add muscular bodyweight. The clean and jerk progress will undoubtedly slow if the athlete chooses to suppress bodyweight.


Male Lifters





Keep in mind that these figures should be considered guidelines. Elite-level athletes in any sport do not have the same body composition as non-athletes. Years of demanding training alter the composition of the body. A weightlifter who is not training at the appropriate bodyweight will lack the necessary reserves to deal with the required training loads over any extended period of time.


Class Rankings for Athletes

The second set of numbers is the totals that qualify athletes for the various class rankings. The Soviets originally developed these, which are helpful for determining training volumes and loads for microcycles, mesocycles, macrocycles, and years.


Women’s Class Rankings

CMS stands for Candidate for Master of Sport, MS stands for Master of Sport, and IMS stands for International Master of Sport.


Men’s Class Rankings

Please note that the differences in ranking figures increase most dramatically as an athlete moves from Master of Sport to International Master of Sport.

