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Staying on Track While Traveling Part II

In the previous blog, we discussed the difficulty of staying on target with our goals during travel. As a traveling sports medicine physical therapist and athlete, I shared some things that I have found very useful in helping me keep on target.
Most of our discussion last time was on pre-trip preparation. This week I will continue along those lines and to conclude some of the things that I do to prep for my stay.
* As a note – I mention several products that I use. This is not an endorsement of these products but are products that I used based on my own research and desire for cost effective products that are proven and help me achieve my goals. I simply include them here as an example so that the reader has something to compare to *
Included in my pre-trip preparation is:
Pre-packing additional gym essentials – knowing that the hotel gym is going to be limited, I will add some additional equipment to my luggage to help. I look for things that are not super expensive and which I can get in my luggage without too much space. Two things that are an essential pieces of my travel kit.
1-BFR Cuffs – for the benefits of BFR training, please go to our previous blog on BFR training. I personally use Rock Cuffs due to the versatility, ease of use and expense. I bring both leg and arm cuffs which will make any routine I do, that much harder.
2-Resistance Bands – I am typically packing a CLX band (by Theraband), padded cuffs (resistance for ankles) and the Kayezen Vector. The Vector is a tube with theratubbing on the inside that can provide resistance from 25# up to 100#. This will clip to a pully machine, has a door hook and attaches to a chain link fence. I use this and the rotational strap provided to allow me to work some functional work that includes core and rotational training. Combining this with the BFR straps results in a workout that is equivalent to what I can get at my normal gym.
3-Water – with travel, we often get off schedule on our hydration. This can add to increased headaches, fatigue and decreased recovery during travel. I always pack a gallon (empty) jug that I can fill in the gym (most have water machines) or at some other source. This allows me to continue to monitor my water intake and make sure I am doing all I can to be hydrated. Keep in mind, during travel, it will typically require more hydration than normal due to the stress on the body associated with travel. I look for a container that is BPA free. BPA is a carcinogenic that is in a lot of plastics that we have.
4-Recovery equipment – for me, this is a critical part. I am in a sport that has high orthopedic injuries, I am training hard, having the wear and tear of travel which means that we must kick it up a notch for our recovery. For me, I bring along my NormaTec recovery system. As little as 30 min of recovery in this compression system is the equivalent of 12 hours of rest. This is why this is so widely used in the NFL, NBA and NHL. For me, 1 hour at night prior to turning out the lights results in a better night’s sleep and feeling much better in the AM.
5-Picking right room – picking the right room when you check in is a critical part to sleeping well. We have all had that room that is over the major road and hearing sirens or loud music all night is not the most conducive thing to a great night’s sleep. With most hotel offering apps and the ability to pick your own room at check-in allows you too really be selective about where you are. Picking a room on a higher floor and away from the street side often leads to a quite night’s sleep.
6-Sleep Apps – there are a ton of sleep apps out there you can choose from but having one that has some form of white noise, running creeks or rain will often help drown out hallway noise and help your mind put at ease vs. a completely silent room.
Although this may sound like a lot, once this becomes a part of your routine, the prep time added is minimal. The benefits are amazing and will be a huge asset to meeting your team’s and your goals. Next week, we will conclude our discussion with how to overcome some of the pit falls when traveling.
Read more:
Staying on Track While Traveling Part I
Staying on Track While Traveling Part II
Staying on Track While Traveling Part III