Nutrition, Running, Tennis
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How to Make Hydration a Healthy Habit?

Many people and athletes resolve to become healthier and more active as 2023 unfolds.
To reach the goals you set your environment will be a significant deciding factor in your ultimate success and health.
Keep your running or walking shoes in plain sight. They will call you. Then in the snacking department, keep fruits and nuts within easy reach, for healthy snacking.
These lifestyle tricks support and nudge you toward your goals. When I find products that remind me of my fitness objectives, I am all in because they help me feel and perform better.
If you’ve read this far, I expect I won’t have to lecture you on the benefits of hydration and exercise.
In the spirit of making healthy hydrating easy and efficient, I just discovered a European beverage called Waterdrop that supports my “make it easy” healthy habits.
Aptly named are Waterdrop's hydration cubes that quickly dissolve in water and bring along a great range of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals to boot as they drop into your drink.
My lifestyle is full of running, workouts, tennis, and squash, and before I became hydration-aware and obsessive, I was prone to cramps and fatigue, so I started taking hydration mixes, but many, loaded with sugar and/or sodium, did not sit well in my system.
That’s why Waterdrop cubes did the trick for me—no carbs, calories, or sugar and merely 25 milligrams of sodium. Like my running shoes, my Waterdrop bottle sits in plain sight on my kitchen counter, whispering to me about hydration plus.
Keeping constant healthy reminders in plain sight is a healthy lifestyle trick. I encourage my fellow athletes and all people to make healthy practices become personally embedded as great habits.