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Sharing Volleyball Knowledge Between Brazil & USA Coaches

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SportsEdTV Editors’ Note: When American Volleyball Coaches assembled in convention our Executive Director of Volleyball and author of 21st Century Volleyball Expertise Dr. Gylton Da Matta and his colleague Leandro Dutra, Ph.D. candidate, presented a work focused on the perennial championship Brazilian volleyball style and the planning and design that goes into the team’s annual efforts.
The 2021 American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) convention was held December 15-18, 2021, in Columbus, Ohio and it was attended by world and American volleyball greatest such as John Speraw (USA Men’s National Team Head Coach), Karch Kiraly (USA Women’s National Team Head Coach) and Giovanni Guidetti (Turkish Women’s National Team & Vakifbank Istanbul Head Coach).
Our participation in this convention took place through the presentation of a work that focused on the Brazilian volleyball style of planning an entire season. In this presentation, the authors aimed to address the topic of planning regarding how to design the entire season. We used a framework training approach based on players' psycho-pedagogical and physiological cycles that consisted in dividing a season into three phases: Pre-Season (General Preparation), Pre-Competitive (Specific Preparation), and Competitive. Each of these phases should prioritize different technical and tactical aspects through drills. Such an approach increases the optimization of practices, units, weeks, and periods.
Figure 1. Work presented at the 2021 AVCA convention.
The basic concepts are (1) Pre-Season phase (general preparation) focus on the development of athletes' physical conditioning, general wellness, initial adaptation into practice, the review of volleyball skills/techniques and introduce a small portion of tactical systems; (2) Pre-Competitive phase (specific preparation) focus on development tactical systems, improving competitive technical skills throughout the season, and enhances the physical conditioning towards performance, which must continue to develop finesse, coordination, and muscle strength; and (3) Competitive phase which focuses on improving tactical systems within game situations (collective tactical aspect), the definition of players roles, scrimmages, and official matches routines and protocols. This is flexible planning that represents a solid rock foundation for success. In addition, this phase also addresses the importance of maintaining technical skills acquisition while deepening the volleyball-specific physical conditioning repertoire (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Basic concepts about each phase of planning an entire season.
We suggest that coaches should consider using these thoughts to design a season. The most successful coaches adopted this planning strategy. Another highlight of this presentation is that we provide a tool to control training volume through a spreadsheet that can help volleyball programs to keep track of what was planned and what was done (see Figure 3). Therefore, our goal remains to share and integrate Brazil & USA knowledge about volleyball.
Figure 3. Tool to control the volume of training of a team.
Figure 4 illustrates a standard to guide the distribution of training volume for each phase during an entire season. Moreover, shows graphics of the current season of an NCAA Division II program and the Men's Brazilian National Team Under-21.
Figure 4. Guidelines on the percentage of distribution of technical, tactical, and conditioning aspects of each phase.
The exchange of knowledge between different cultures of the world about volleyball has been the focus of our study since the publication of the book 21st Century Volleyball Expertise.
Almost six months after the publication of the book, we would like to share with the community that follows SportsEdTV the positive feedback we have received. One instance about this is the outstanding comment by the president Dr. Marc Cloes of the International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP).
Figure 5. Comments on 21st Century Volleyball Expertise book.
We truly appreciate it. It is an honor for us to have had several contributors to this project such as Nebraska Head Coach John Cook in the preface to this book. We would like to congratulate the Nebraska and Wisconsin programs for reaching the 2021 NCAA Division I final. Finally, we would like to announce our new project for next year through SportsEdTV. The first ebook in a collection of volleyball subjects will be on the service topic called Serving Mastery. Thanks for taking the time to read this blog. Happy end of the year to everyone and see you next year with new topics about volleyball.
Leandro Dutra, Ph.D. Candidate Federal University of Minas Gerais-Brazil. dutraln@gmail.com
Da Gama, D.; Dutra, L. N.; Da Matta, G. B. Brazilian Style: How to Plan Your Entire Season and Execute the Plan through Systems & Drills. In: American Volleyball Coaches Association Convention (AVCA), Columbus, Ohio, 2021.
Author of chapters:
Tactical Evaluation in Volleyball - A Multicultural Expertise Analysis. In: 21st Century Volleyball Expertise. SportsEdTV publisher.
Expert Mindset on Serving and the Correlation Between Offensive and Defensive Complexes at World-class Volleyball - KI and KII Analyzed. In: 21st Century Volleyball Expertise. SportsEdTV publisher.
Passing expertise elite training and refinement strategies for advanced players. In: 21st Century Volleyball Expertise. SportsEdTV publisher.
Gylton Da Matta, Ph.D. Colorado State University and Volleyball Executive Director SportsEdTV. gdamatta@sportsedtv.com; gdamatta7@gmail.com ; Gylton.Matta@colostate.edu
Da Matta, G.B. (Editor) 21st Century Volleyball Expertise. SportsEdTV Publisher: Miami, FL, USA.