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Push-up to Prone Alt Arm Row to Hammer Curl

Published: 2021-02-16
Push-up to Prone Alt Arm Row to Hammer Curl
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John Graham, Senior Network Administrator in Network Development at St Luke’s University Health Network demonstrates three excellent exercises utilizing body weight and dumbbells. Utilizing Body Weight & Dumbbells can increase strength and endurance in important movement patterns and muscle groups utilized by athletes in their respective sport.

Utilization of Exercise Combos can train multiple muscle groups of the body in combinations that provide for increased workout intensity and volume to increase muscle strength, hypertrophy and endurance development for athletes.

The Push-Up develops the muscles of the chest, shoulders and triceps while increasing upper body muscle endurance. The Prone Alt Arm Row develops the upper back, shoulder and bicep muscles. The Hammer Curl develops the biceps, muscles of the forearm.


Push-Up - Start in a plank position with the hands shoulder-width apart. While keeping a firm torso, lower the body toward the ground by bending the elbows until the upper arm is parallel with the ground. Press back up to the starting position with arms fully extended while simultaneously maintaining a firm torso.

Prone Alt Arm Row – Assume the push-up position with the hands shoulder-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand. Shifting body weight to the left hand, pull the dumbbell in the right hand to the side of the ribcage on the right side of the body. Return to the starting position and repeat the technique on the left side.

Hammer Alt Arm Curl – While standing hold dumbbells (in each hand) against the side of the thighs with a neutral grip (palms facing in), bend one arm at the elbow raise the forearm until the dumbbell is above the chest without moving the elbow from the side, lower back to the side and repeat with the opposite arm.

Push-Up – Beginners (0 – 3 Months Exercise Experience) should perform 3 – 5 Reps for 1 Set; Intermediate 5 – 8 Reps for 2 Sets; and Advanced should perform 8 – 10 Reps for 2 – 3 Sets. When performing multiple sets rest for a period 2 times greater than the exercise period.

Prone Alt Arm Row – Beginners (0 – 3 Months Exercise Experience) should perform 8 – 12 Reps for 1 Set; Intermediate 8 – 12 Reps for 2 Sets; and Advanced should perform 8 – 15 Reps for 2 – 3 Sets. When performing multiple sets rest for a period 2 times greater than the exercise period.

Hammer Alt Arm Curl – Beginners (0 – 3 Months Exercise Experience) should perform 8 – 12 Reps with each arm for 1 – 2 Sets; Intermediate (3 – 6 Months Exercise Experience) 8 – 12 Reps with each arm for 2 Sets; and Advanced (6 Months or Longer Exercise Experience) should perform 8 – 15 Reps with each arm for 2 – 3 Sets. When performing multiple sets rest for a period 2 times greater than the exercise period.