Strength And Conditioning
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John Graham, Senior Network Administrator in Network Development at St Luke’s University Health Network demonstrates two excellent exercises for the Chest Muscles. Performing chest exercises is a great way to improve your chest, anterior shoulder and tricep strength and endurance.
Developing your Chest Muscles is essential to improving your body's overall strength endurance while decreasing the risk of shoulder injuries. These muscles are often valuable in sports that require moving your arm forward from the body while overcoming resistance. They are often utilized in contact and throwing sports.
When performing a dumbbell chest press begin with the dumbbells at the side of the chest, press the dumbbells up and together above the chest bringing the dumbbells together at the end of the movement before slowly returning them using the same arc to the starting position.
When performing the resistance band chest press, secure the band to a sturdy structure such as a pole, barbell rack or door. Place the bands directly under the armpit on both sides and move away from the anchoring structure until you feel tension in the bands. Press forward from the body, bringing the hands together at the end of the movement before slowly returning to the start of the movement utilizing the same arc.
Beginners (0 – 3 Months Exercise Experience) should perform 2 sets of 6 (Strength) – 15 Reps (Hypertrophy/Endurance); Intermediate (3 – 6 Months Exercise Experience) should perform 3 sets of 6 (Strength) – 15 Reps (Hypertrophy/Endurance); Advanced (> 6 Months Exercise Experience) should perform 4 sets of 6 (Strength) – 15 Reps (Hypertrophy/Endurance)
In a dumbbell and resistance band chest press, you will predominantly be using the Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid & Triceps Brachii.