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How De-Cluttering Improves Your Performance

Ahhhh, cleaning the closet. Don'tcha just love it? No? Well, okay, so it's not necessarily one of those jobs that you can love if you're planning on doing it. I mean, I don’t think I’ve met anyone who gets up in the morning and squeals with delighted enthusiasm, "Today, I'm gonna clean the closet! Yippee!"
I'm talking about how great it feels when it happens when you just went in there for one thing. Maybe you didn't find it right away, so you started moving things around a bit, and then you were wondering, "Where the heck did I put that anyway?"
You know what always happens next, right? You keep digging through the piles of stuff on the shelves or in boxes or baskets on the floor and as you're doing this, suddenly you find yourself raking out the closet. Soon, clothes are flying everywhere and landing in various piles. There's one to give away, one that needs mending, perhaps one that needs trying on because you're a different size now, one way or the other, or you want to be, or fear you're going to be...
So next you bring out your piles of fat clothes or skinny clothes or your in-between clothes because you're in the midst of moving one way or the other on the spectrum of achieving that strong, fit and healthy body you desire.
And then there's all the other stuff that's in there. Stored things, books and papers, a huge assortment of "stuff" to chuck in the bin. And then there are all those odd things that you know you might need or want someday but they've just never found know, those things you frown at, stare at, carry around the house for a while, hunting for places for them to live, muttering, "What the heck am I supposed to do with THIS?" before discovering that you've still not got an answer for that, and you put it in the closet - "for now."
Perhaps this will be the time you find homes for some of it and if you do, you'll be ever so pleased with yourself. But in the meantime, there you are, hurling things into piles, running for the bin bags, hauling stuff out to the rubbish, or bagging it up for the charity shop.
And oh, it feels so great to get rid of all those unwanted items. Every single one of them holds energy, and that energy is negative and builds up in your house, which then adversely affects you and your performance, even if you aren't particularly aware of it. Some of us feel it more than others. Being a psychic and medium, I am extremely sensitive to the energy in my environment, and I've always found that the "dead energy" that comes with unused or unwanted items can really weigh me down and make me feel unwell. Likewise in a cluttered and untidy environment, I feel scattered and unfocused.
Okay, so there you are cleaning and sorting and chucking stuff. Now you're really in the zone! You're a person possessed! You've tackled that closet and got rid of the energy associated with old, unwanted, unnecessary belongings and you feel so much better already, you move on to the rest of the room, or perhaps other closets, drawers, shelves and storage spaces. And doesn't it feel fantastic???
Yesssss!! You're probably even singing or humming, maybe you've cranked up some tunes. You might even be dancing like a crazy person and singing into a hairbrush. Amazing, isn't it? You were dragging your sorry behind all over the house an hour ago, and suddenly you're wired for sound and have no idea where all this energy came from!
But who cares? It feels great and you're making progress, so whatever else you were doing when you got side-tracked with closet-cleaning will just have to wait! After all, you've been meaning to do this long?
When you get these sudden bursts of energy that have you tearing apart your house, de-cluttering and reorganising, they are usually brought about by a de-cluttering and a reorganising in YOU. Our environments reflect what's going on inside us. For example, if there is chaos and disorganisation on the outside, you can bet it's the same on the inside. Or a sterile, frighteningly neat and tidy home can reflect an internal need for order and control that stems from fear and anxiety.
Every once in a while, we need a good de-cluttering in our homes, and certainly inside ourselves, too. Every once in a while, it's good to go through what we need, what we don't, what's important to us, what should stay, what must go - whether we're talking about the stuff in our houses, or the beliefs, desires, people, habits, goals, whatever we want - or don't want - in ourselves. It's essential to our personal development to be sure that we don't remain stagnant and stuck, never changing and always sticking with the status quo.
In particular, when you're staring at a goal that requires you to do things differently, you'll never reach it unless you get out of your rut and allow yourself to stretch and be uncomfortable. If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you've got. So if you want something other than what's currently going on in your reality, there's only one way to get there. And it begins with inward reflection and a little personal re-evaluation.
It's good to do that from time to time anyway, frequently checking in with yourself through meditation, journaling or whatever else helps you connect with your inner world. It's especially important to do this when you find yourself in the throes of change whether by circumstance or by choice. Don't be surprised if you find yourself suddenly compelled to go through the closets and cupboards as you make your home reflect your inner Self as it releases the old and makes room for the new.
Sometimes, de-cluttering the closets, cupboards etc. is the signal that you're ready to clean house on the inside, too, or that changes have been going on somewhere in there, whether you've been particularly aware of them or not. It's an exciting sign that validates your forward movement on your journey, that you're ready to release what isn't serving you, and that you're steadily making your way toward your goals.
I absolutely love cleaning out the cupboards and raking out all kinds of stuff I no longer need or want, whether in my home or in myself. I love getting rid of negative energy, cleansing my home and my aura regularly by being sure I'm not holding onto anything I don't want or need. I like to take stock of what I have and what I need, who I am and who I'm not, what to change and what to keep in all aspects of my life. It's the only way I can keep both my inner and outer worlds functioning together like a well-oiled machine to achieve the ultimate in happiness and wellbeing, as well as maximum productivity and performance.
Hmmmm....I don't know about you, but I feel a cleaning spree coming on... Better haul out the bin bags!!