Meet Our Coaches
Roberto Borgatti
Executive Director, Golf
Gylton Da Matta
Executive Director, Volleyball
John Eagleton
Executive Director, Tennis
Jane Forman
Tennis Coach
Lizl Kotz
Mark Kovacs
Senior Contributor
Joy Macci
Senior Contributor
Harvey Newton
Fmr. Executive Director, Weightlifting
Bill Patton
Jeff Salzenstein
Tennis Coach
Mark Strickland
Executive Director, Basketball
Roy Wegerle
Executive Director, Soccer
Shea Pierre,
Senior Contributor
Shea Pierre is a Sports Performance Coach from Toronto Ontario Canada. Coach Pierre’s main focus is speed development for both linear and multi directional Athletes.
He played 3 years in the Canadian Football League and studied psychology and sports in University. He was also the head football strength and conditioning coach for the University of Guelph from 2018-2019 and the Head Football strengthen conditioning coach for the CFLs Toronto Argos from 2019-2020!
Coach Pierre also runs a very successful online business, Pierre’s Elite Performance — PEP-- where he works with athletes with his Sports Performance Training Program and Speed Training Products.
PEP combines programs that are designed to unlock the potential in athletes. Shea’s mission is to build an athlete’s foundation from the ground up.
Prominent programs Pierre has developed include: 2 Volume Sports Performance Training; Speed and Agility Accelerator; Multi-Directional Warm Ups; The Complete Athlete Mini Band Series; The Athletic Recode Training System.