Meet Our Coaches

Roberto Borgatti
Executive Director, Golf

Gylton Da Matta
Executive Director, Volleyball

John Eagleton
Executive Director, Tennis

Jane Forman
Tennis Coach

Lizl Kotz

Mark Kovacs
Senior Contributor

Joy Macci
Senior Contributor

Harvey Newton
Fmr. Executive Director, Weightlifting

Bill Patton

Jeff Salzenstein
Tennis Coach

Mark Strickland
Executive Director, Basketball

Roy Wegerle
Executive Director, Soccer

Gene Coleman,
Senior Contributor
Gene Coleman, Ed. D., CSCS, RSCC*E, FACSM
Dr. Coleman is Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the Fitness and Human Performance Program at the University of Houston-Clear Lake, strength and strength and conditioning consultant for the Texas Rangers and Website Education Manager He was the first strength and conditioning coach in MLB, serving as the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Houston Astros from 1978-2012. He is a certified and registered strength and condition coach (NSCA; RSCC-E) and a Fellow in the American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM). He has received several research grants, published numerous research articles and has served as a Visiting Scientist at the NASA-JSC in the area of astronaut selection and training. Dr. Coleman was first MLB Strength Coach of the Year (2005), was the first strength and conditioning coach to be invited to participate in the MLB All-Star Baseball Game (2012) and received the NSCA’s highest honor, the Boyd Epley Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2013. He is the author of 52-Week Baseball Training and co-editor and contributor to Strength Training for Baseball (NSCA book in process) and has taught at Eastern Kentucky University, Texas Tech University and The University of Texas at Austin.