Meet Our Coaches
Roberto Borgatti
Executive Director, Golf
Gylton Da Matta
Executive Director, Volleyball
John Eagleton
Executive Director, Tennis
Jane Forman
Tennis Coach
Lizl Kotz
Mark Kovacs
Senior Contributor
Joy Macci
Senior Contributor
Harvey Newton
Fmr. Executive Director, Weightlifting
Bill Patton
Jeff Salzenstein
Tennis Coach
Mark Strickland
Executive Director, Basketball
Roy Wegerle
Executive Director, Soccer
Daniele Battocchio,
Senior Contributor
Daniele Battocchio is a Federation of Italian Volleyball (FIPAV) Level 1 Coach at Pilisportiva in Italy. He is an SFERA advocate, Coaching, led by Giuseppe Vercelli developer of the SFERA method.
S.F.E.R.A. is an acronym containing the 5 factors responsible for the performance: Synchrony, Skills (Punti di Forza), Energy, Rhythm and Activation). Peak performance results from the balance of these 5 factors.
As an SFERA Coach, Battocchio will be analyzing and identifying factors responsible for the performance, then with players, launch a path of performance optimization, acting on affected factors.
Prior to working as a coach in Rovigo, Battocchio coached in Este (Padua), the second coach representing the province.
Battocchio is a biologist with a Bachelor’s Degree in Natural Science and a Master’s Degree in Applied Ecology.