





Chuck Russell,
Senior Contributor

Chuck Russell brings a unique combination of knowledge and experience to SportsEdTV. After playing college tennis and spending a few years in the business world, circumstances brought him back to tennis as a professional coach working with tournament players. During that time, he developed a series of innovative techniques that proved to be effective with a wide range of different types of players. After five years, Chuck returned to the business world, building a successful management consulting practice.

Chuck Russell is a thought leader in the applications of behavioral DATA that measure how people think, learn and behave. His first book, Right Person-Right Job, Guess or Know, showed how the information provided by the latest generation of assessment technology shattered the traditional paradigms of management, hiring, and training in the business world. Chuck saw that the same possibilities existed in the sports world. Whatever the sport, every athlete’s performance depended on their hard-wired personality traits and cognitive abilities…how they thought, learned and behaved. He has applied this behavioral DATA to tennis, golf, basketball, fitness, baseball, and others, discovering that the simplest insights made significant improvements in performance possible. With this DATA, coaches can ensure that their coaching is matched to the true capabilities of each athlete.
