Meet Our Coaches

Roberto Borgatti
Executive Director, Golf

Gylton Da Matta
Executive Director, Volleyball

John Eagleton
Executive Director, Tennis

Jane Forman
Tennis Coach

Lizl Kotz

Mark Kovacs
Senior Contributor

Joy Macci
Senior Contributor

Harvey Newton
Fmr. Executive Director, Weightlifting

Bill Patton

Jeff Salzenstein
Tennis Coach

Mark Strickland
Executive Director, Basketball

Roy Wegerle
Executive Director, Soccer

David Meggyesy,
Senior Contributor
David Meggyesy, a seven-year NFL linebacker, recently retired as the Western Regional Director of the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA). He authored his best-selling football autobiography Out of Their League in 1971. It was re-issued by the University of Nebraska Press (Bison Books) in 2005. Out of Their League was selected by Sports Illustrated in 2002 as one of the top 100 sports books ever written.
Meggyesy was co-founder of the Esalen Sports Center and taught at Stanford University a course for Stanford football players titled Sports, Consciousness and Social Change. He has lectured, taught seminars, and conducted workshops throughout the country on the relationship between sport, culture, consciousness, social values, and social transformation. Meggyesy views sport and the athletic experience as a powerful process for individual growth and social change.
Meggyesy co-founded the Evolutionary Sports Collective, in 2010. He is a Board Member of Athletes United for Peace and Advisory Board Member of the Harvard University Football Player Study.