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The Artest Foundation Family Holiday Basketball Clinic & Fundraiser

The Artest Foundation will host its annual Family Holiday Basketball Clinic & Fundraiser for kids on December 17, 2022, at the Variety Boys and Girls Club in Astoria, Queens.
The event, sponsored by SportsEdTV (SETV) will feature drills and game fundamentals presented by Mark Strickland, Director of Basketball at SportsEdTV and a 10-year NBA veteran who played for the Miami Heat, among other teams. The event will start at 10:00 a.m. and run until 3:30 p.m.
For The Artest Foundation (TAF), this event marks the beginning of a relationship with SportsEdTV that will allow the foundation to give away one million free SportsEdTV subscriptions ($12.0 million value) to kids around the country.
"We want to thank SportsEdTV for donating the subscriptions and providing Mark Strickland to teach our kids the basics of the game. Our day of drills and activities will empower the kids and cultivate their appetite for learning the life skills they need to thrive," said Artest Foundation founder Ron Artest, Sr. He added, "It is a great way to showcase the foundation's three pillars: Athletics, Education & Mental Health.”
“Our goal at SportsEdTV is to make world-class coaching available to as many kids as possible across the globe. This partnership with The Artest Foundation is the first of many foundation partnerships that we hope will spread this opportunity to learn online from the best for free,” said SportsEdTV CEO, Victor Bergonzoli.
The event has limited space, so kids who want to participate are encouraged to register immediately. The event is free and anyone interested can register on the Eventbrite page:
About The Artest Foundation
The Artest Foundation (TAF) is a nonprofit foundation based in New York City that empowers underserved youth nationwide by providing free access to athletics, education (STEAM) financial literacy, coding, etc., and access to mental health programs. Visit for more information on this event, to learn more about the SportsEdTV sponsorship and related programs, or to make a donation to help TAF keep these services free:
About SportsEdTV
SportsEdTV exists to help athletes, coaches and parents LEARN, WIN, and CELEBRATE by providing the THREE things all athletes need to improve: world-class video and blog content; a global community of athletes, coaches, and parents; and a global marketplace of improvement resources. We don’t expect everyone who uses our learning tools to become a world champion - that’s not our mission. We do expect people who use our educational resources to become their own champions, by whatever definition they view success in their chosen sport. For some, success is making the varsity team, for others, it’s becoming country champion, and for others still, it may simply be gaining proficiency at a sport that offers a lifetime of fun and fitness. To us, no matter your aspirations in sports, if you are striving to improve, you are winning! As a leading sports education media company, we provide video and blog content to anyone in the world with an internet connection. Visit for more information.