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Prolific Brazilian Sports Researcher adds Academic Clout to SportsEdTV as Senior Contributor

Miami, Florida Feb 15, 2021 - SportsEdTV has named Professor Marcelo Haiachi a Senior Contributor to its FREE online platform of global category-leading sports education. Dr. Haiachi is a faculty member at the Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil, serving as a professor in the Department of Education Physics.
“Dr. Haiachi’s research includes, Advancement of Sports Sciences, Olympic and Paralympic Research, Badminton for All, Research & Technical Development of the Badminton Federation and Adapted Physical Education, are just a few of his topics that will provide depth and breadth to our library of important sports research,” said Robert Mazzucchelli, Founder, and Chairman, SportsEdTV.
Dr. Haiachi has been a leader of Group of Research in Studies Olympic and Paralympic Games (GPEOP / UFS); Group of Research in Education Physics and Esportes Adapted (GPEFEA / UFRRJ) and coordinator of Project Paradesportivo Sergipe.
“He’ll be a significant contributor to our new volleyball channel, having a specialist Masters in Team Sports, Volleyball, Mini Volleyball & Sitting Volleyball,” added Victor Bergonzoli, CEO of SportsEdTV.
Dr. Haiachi has been the leader of Group of Research in Studies Olympic and Paralympic Games; Group of Research in Education Physics and Esportes Adapted and coordinator of Project Paradesportivo Sergipe. As an Associate Editor, he has supported the Brazilian Journal of Education, Technology, and Society (BRAJETS) and consulted with Northern Virginia Volleyball Center (NVVA) Volleyball Genome.
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