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Pioneering Major League Strength and Conditioning Coach Added to SportsEdTV

Published: 2020-07-08
Pioneering Major League Strength and Conditioning Coach Added to SportsEdTV
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San Francisco, Jun 23, 2020 SportsEdTV has engaged Dr. Gene Coleman the renowned strength and conditioning coach, educator and scientist.  He has provided consultation to astronauts, athletes and fellow educators. He is a fellow in the American College of Sports Medicine.

“Dr. Coleman has authored or co-authored nearly 75 scholarly publications on various subjects in the sports strength and conditioning realm, and his free knowledge sharing at SportsEdTV will solidify our position as the online leader in sports instruction,” said SportsEdTV Founder and Chairman Robert Mazzucchelli.

As the first Major League Baseball Strength Coach of the Year, Dr. Coleman was also the first strength and conditioning coach to be invited to participate in the MLB All-Star Baseball Game and received the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s highest honor, the Boyd Epley Award for Lifetime Achievement.

“Our users will benefit greatly from Gene Coleman’s hands-on experience with pro athletes and students as well as direct knowledge of new technologies in injury mitigation,” adds SportsEdTV CEO Victor Bergonzoli.

Dr. Coleman is Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the Fitness and Human Performance Program at the University of Houston-Clear Lake, strength and strength and conditioning consultant for the Texas Rangers and Website Education Manager

“SportsEdTV’s worldwide audience is a great way to free-share our strength and conditioning concepts globally,” Dr. Coleman said.

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