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Major Sports Equity Leader Named SportsEdTV Senior Contributor

SportsEdTV has added Dr. Yetsa A. Tuakli-Wosornu, Associate Professor at Yale School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh and Director of The Sports Equity Lab, as a senior contributor.
“The appointment is a clear mirror of the things we stand for in sports, as Dr. Tuakli-Wosornu, personifies the term leader as she directs the Sports Equity Lab an interdisciplinary research group focused on dismantling inequities in sports—exclusion, discrimination, and exploitation—while amplifying sports' role as a positive change agent in society," said SportsEdTV Founder and Chairman Robert Mazzucchelli.
A long jumper who represented the Ghana National Team until 2016, Dr. Tuakli-Wosornu was also the International Paralympic Committee’s inaugural welfare officer and is a member of the International Olympic Committee’s working group to prevent harassment and abuse in sport.
“She is co-Chair of the Safe Sport International research committee, and the Chair of the International Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine task force on physical activity for persons with disabilities, and as a physician, she specializes in spine and sports medicine," added Victor Bergonzoli, CEO SportsEdTV.
“As I became a clinician, I felt an incredible responsibility to directly address the underworld of sport, where exploitation and inequities poison the magic of the thing I love most in this world. That’s why I started The Sports Equity Lab,” Dr. Tuakli-Wosornu said.
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