Tennis Volley Drills
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Forehand Volley Technique

Forehand Volley - Positioning & Movement With Ellis Ferreira

Forehand Transition Volley With Ellis Ferreira

Backhand Volley - Positioning & "V" Movement With Ellis Ferreira

Backhand Transition Volley With Ellis Ferreira

Forehand Swinging Volley Technique

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A volley in tennis refers to hitting the ball before it bounces. Typically a volley is executed between the service line and the net, but can be hit anywhere on the court.
To hit a volley, make contact with the ball using a short backswing and the racquet face at no more than 45 degree angle (slightly pointing toward the sky). Move the racquet with forward momentum through the contact of the ball, but not with a full follow-through or swing of the racquet. The volley is hit with an abbreviated ‘punching’ stroke.
No, you cannot. The serve must bounce before it is returned. If the serve hits the returners racquet (or any part of the returner) before bouncing, the server wins the point automatically.
A half-volley is a shot that is hit immediately after the ball has bounced. This shot is most widely used when a player is approaching the net and the opponent has hit a shot that the approaching player cannot reach in the air. In this case, they would hit a half-volley.
Yes it is. Some players with the ability to do so, such as Maria Sharapova, use their non-dominant hand to play defense while on the run.