Learn how to jump on a trampoline and perform amazing skills 'Degree-By-Degree" with this online simple Master Class with FTA co-founder and trampoline expert Greg Roe. Learn to build up all of your skills like Lego Blocks and use the strategy we teach in the program to help you then invent your own skills with the same proven method.
This is part two of the previous video discussing the overall 3D model we use in our building approach for learning all possible skills. Please watch a few times to truly take in the general overall concept as it will be addressed many times over the playlist.
The springs of a trampoline are a bit of a complicated process and in this video we discuss what you need to know about the springs on your trampoline.
Manufacturing Trampolines P3: Trampoline Beds• 4 months ago
This second video discusses the affect that different sizes and shapes of trampolines have on the jumpers. Trampolines can be made in any shape but certain shapes allow more control for the jumper.
Manufacturing Trampolines P1: Overview• 4 months ago
This is the first video in a series of videos of our discussion with Scott Martin, the developer of the first ever "Supertramp" trampoline from Rebound Products in Canada. These series of videos are all about manufacturing trampolines and things to think about from a product perspective.
This video simply shows the typical layout of a traditional Olympic Trampoline competition set up. The Freestyle competition set up is different and is always changing but the traditional olympic system is always the same.
Here are the muscles of the body in a simple video where you can see the re-occurring pattern throughout the entire body. This reoccurring pattern again helps athletes realize that the body is mechanical and building your skills is also mechanical and repeating process for any skill just like how the muscles of the entire body are repeating as well.
This video is about the muscles that attach to the bones adn the boney scaffolding we have spoken about. You do not need to memorize these terms but getting a general idea about how simple the body really is from a mechanical perspective will help simplify the trampoline learning process. Its as simple as knowing what muscles you are moving and deducting the result it will have on the body as a whole.
This video takes the last few videos about anatomy and bone markings and puts it all together so you can see how the body moves as a whole in a conceptual way. With this overview seeing the body as a basic machine is easier and then makes actually 'stacking' the degrees together much more simple under this frame work.
The boney land markings are actually more important to acrobatics than many realize. By knowing where the muscles attach to the bones, you can deduct exactly how the body will change shape in the air when those specific muscles are shortened. All shapes in the air and all take off and landing positions on a trampoline are nothing more than a combination of shortened muscles from all around the body so getting familiar with the concept is important for an overall understanding of how the body works at a basic level.
This video provides more basic language that anyone taking acrobatics seriously should know and will help make sure that you understand the basic way exercise professionals label the body and its movements.
This video describes some of the basic language that we use in anatomy to help provide the 'scaffolding' to the movements we will be describing. It is not imperative to know the language but for those inquisitive minds this will help you as a coach start using the terminology for your classes so everyone knows you know your stuff!
This video discusses the basics of the different way axes and planes of rotation are viewed through a scientific perspective. having these basics builds up to the degree-by-degree foundation you will use for your development.
This is an overview of the overall concept of the training program that talks about how we look at the entire landscape of all acrobatics movements in a 3D and 360 degree perspective on all axes combined together. This will be constantly referred to throughout this program.
Let's take a look at the building blocks that build up your body in more detail so you can see how serious we are when we say this educational program is rooted i the biology that built your human body.
This video gives the basic building blocks strategy outline that will be used for the entire program and breaks it down into a biological aspect that shows how fundamental this strategy is to all life on Earth as well.
This is an introduction to Trampoline Training with the FTA. We use a biological approach to coaching instead of the standard Newtonian Physics approach which really misses a lot of the important aspects that create independent athletes. Follow our program to develop your own pathway int he sport and to have as much control over your development no matter what skills you want to build and build them Degree-By-Degree at your own pace. Follow us on Instagram for daily cool content to inspire you! @FTAworldchampionships #FTAworldchamps