Clean & Jerk Technique Videos
Gain insightful tips from our expert weightlifting coaches and video analysis of great champions. Everyone can learn by watching our video weightlifting lessons. Improve your weightlifting skills today!

Learn To Clean - Step 1 - Clean Pull (High Blocks)

Learn To Clean - Step 1 - Clean Pull, High Hang (No Blocks)

Learn To Clean - Step 2 - Clean from High Blocks

Learn to Clean - Step 2 - Clean from High Hang (No Blocks)

Learn To Clean - Step 3 - Clean Pull From Low Blocks

Learn To Clean - Step 3 - Clean Pull, Low Hang (No Blocks)

Learn To Clean - Step 4 - Clean From Low Blocks
Weightlifting, like any form of resistance training, improves muscular hypertrophy.
The C&J is considered a total body exercise. The primary muscles involved include the thighs and gluteals, along with the spinal erectors and trapezius.
SportsEdTV has extensive instruction on how to clean.
After learning basic technique with light weights, most athletes will can lift a weight equivalent to their own bodyweight or greater. Skilled lifters may lift twice their bodyweight, or more.
"Clean" refers to raising a barbell from the platform to the shoulders.
Studies have shown weightlifting has a low incident of injury, especially compared to many other popular sports.
SportsEdTV has extensive instruction on how to learn to C&J. Or, join a club with an experienced coach.